Business Rates Advice for Gilmerton House

Graham + Sibbald were delighted to be appointed by the Gilmerton Estate, Athelstaneford to act as their advisor on business rates. The property, Gilmerton House, is a luxurious private house and exclusive-use estate operated as an exclusive use venue for weddings and conferences.


The team at G+S submitted an appeal to the Scottish Assessors. The appeal included a submission of a Proposal including business projections, building repair and maintenance costs, and analysis of comparisons of similar properties throughout Scotland.


The challenge against the rateable value was complex based on gross income during a period of the pandemic and the long term effect on the business.


The client was delighted with the result, the team managed to reduce their business rates liability by 32%.


If you’re looking for a Business Rates team who can help minimise your costs and liabilities, then we are the team to come to.

We can help if you are looking for advice and support that will assist you in navigating the complex world of commercial property rates and take advantage of any relief schemes or discounts that are available.

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“It was great to work with the team at Graham + Sibbald, they supported us throughout the process and we managed to reduce our rates liability by 32%. I would highly recommend the Business Rates team at Graham + Sibbald.” Colin Carter-Campbell, Gilmerton Estate