Commercial Development Land - For Sale
- On Application P.O.A.
- 0.30 Acres
Key Information
- Site Area: 0.12 ha / 0.30 acres or thereby
- Suitable for Class 4 & 6 uses
- Price available on application
- Situated in established business park
Property Description
The subjects comprise an individual development plot measuring 0.12 ha / 0.30 acres or thereby. The subjects previously had planning permission for the erection of 4 business units which has since lapsed - further details on this can be provided if required. The seller's aspiration is to see a development of this nature (i.e. small business units) on the site although other uses may be considered on a case-by-case basis. The subjects are also designated as being within an established business and industry area in the Argyll & Bute Local Development Plan 2.
The site is situated approximately half a mile to the south west of the town centre of Rothesay, Isle of Bute within Bute Business Park. Bute Business Park is an established commercial area located in an offshoot from Barone Road on the south western outskirts of Rothesay. Surrounding properties are mostly commercial in nature with occupiers including Telecom Service Centres Ltd, Historic Environment Scotland and HM Coastguard. Rothesay is the principal settlement of the Isle of Bute which lies in the Kyles of Bute off the Firth of Clyde. Rothesay benefits from ferry links to Wemyss Bay on the West Coast of the mainland. Ferry links are also available from the Isle of Bute to Collintrave in the north.
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