Inveralmond Coffee Shop

Inveralmond Coffee Shop

Our Planning and Development Team secured planning consent, at appeal, for a coffee shop and drive thru to be operated by Starbucks, on land at the Inveralmond Roundabout, Perth. It was known from the start that the application was not supported at Planning Officer level as it was considered contrary to the employment allocation of…

12 Easterhill Street, Glasgow

12 Easterhill Street, Glasgow

Graham + Sibbald was appointed to support project architect due to combined Planning + Agency expertise for a client that was seeking planning permission for the redevelopment of a disused public house to 26 residential units. The supporting statement was prepared by both G+S teams. It assessed the market requirements for business/industrial units in this…

190 Crown Street, Glasgow

190 Crown Street, Glasgow

Graham + Sibbald successfully secured planning consent for the proposed cafĂ© and drive thru within 3 months of the application being validated. We undertook pre-application discussions with Glasgow City Council in advance of the application being submitted. We also instructed a Transport Statement and Drainage Assessment to address concerns raised by the Council at the…